How long can I remain in H-1b Status?
A person can normally only remain in H-1B status for six (6) years. Time spent in L status counts towards the six years. If a person spends less than six months a year in the U.S. they are not limited to six (6) years in H-1B.
How long can my dependents remain in H-4 status?
Six (6) years.
Can I move to H-4 status after completing six (6) years in H-1B ?
Can I change status to H-1B after spending six (6) years in H-4 status?
Will periods of unemployment count towards the six year limitation?
Yes if you were admitted in H-1B status, have not changed status to any other status, and are within the U.S.
Will periods where I violated my H-1B status/ failed to maintain status count towards the six years limitation?
Is the time I spend outside the U.S. counted against the six (6) year limit?
No. Time spent outside the U.S. can be recaptured before the end of the period of admission, by providing USCIS documentary evidence to establish the period spent outside the U.S. (I-94s, airline tickets etc). Note the day you arrive in the U.S. and the day you leave the U.S. are counted as days within the U.S.
Does time spent in other non-immigrant statuses count towards the six-year H-1B limitation?
Time spent in any status other than L or H may be recaptured by providing USCIS evidence of the same when requesting an extension within the initial six-year admission.
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